
Roughing is a precision mechanical process through which “most” of the residues of a piece are removed, and for this reason it is defined as a coarse operation which is often followed by finishing operations. In order for these operations to be carried out on our components, the semi-finished products to be processed need to have a few millimeters of metal lay over them, giving us room for work.

A grinding operation is an abrasive precision machining operation performed through the use of a grinder, that is, a tool with a fine-grained grinding wheel, in order to finish a given part at the optimal conditions and shapes according to the project. For the extreme precision of the result and the high costs, this operation usually comes after the roughing operations, as only in cases where high finishing grades are required the reboring is necessary.

Flush grinding operations are all operations concerning the action of polishing, smoothing the surfaces of various components. The main purpose of this operation is to smooth the edges and corners of such a component, thus avoiding the presence of sharp edges.

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