
The Quality Assurance System is a quality management system made in a perspective of continuous improvement, and based on the PDCA methodology, namely Plan, Do, Check, Act. In the first phase of “Plan”, the objectives, the process to achieve them and the resources to use are set. In the next phase, “Do”, procedures and methodologies are put into practice. In the third phase, “Check”, the procedures, and outcomes are monitored and finally evaluated, keeping in mind the objectives set during the first phase. In the last, “Act”, several corrective and improvement actions are implemented in the different procedures and methodologies used previously, in order to achieve the final objectives.

In order to comply with the company’s system, a Quality Assurance Manual is drawn up and distributed, indicating and describing the various criteria adopted to establish, document, implement, update and improve the quality management system, in accordance with the reference standards.

The manual is structured as follows:

  • Purpose
  • Reference standards
  • Terms and definitions
  • Quality management system
  • Responsibilities of the management
  • Management of resources
  • Production
  • Measurement, analysis, and improvement

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