Since its inception, Officine Meccaniche Zanetti has been present in the civil and military shipbuilding sector; during these years, we have efficiently collaborated with the main shipyards located in Italy and abroad. Hundreds are the big cruise ships, ferries and military ships that sail the seas of the world, thanks to the reliability guaranteed by our mechanical components or spare parts.
Among these, we can distinguish four categories:
The presence of our company in naval shipbuilding of great civil and military cabotage, dates back to its foundation; in these fifty-five years, we have collaborated with the main Italian and foreign shipyards with great efficiency.
Hundreds are the great cruise ships, ferry boats and military ships that sail the seas of all the world thanks to the reliability guaranteed by the mechanical parts built by Officine Zanetti: rudder’s stocks and blades, complete shaft lines, oil guide pipes, complete fins and water jets propulsion systems are some of our processings.
Our activity in the sector does not stop at the production, but includes testing, whether internally conducted or by registration/certification agencies, the assembly of subgroups and several tests of operation.
Quality has always been an essential value for Officine Meccaniche Zanetti, given the complexity of the processings; thus, a constant control and monitoring is essential to improve business performance in all its departments.
© Officine Meccaniche Zanetti
C.F. e N° di iscrizione al Registro delle Imprese di Vicenza: 00170330245
Codice REA: VI – 118568 | Capitale Sociale: € 1.500.000,00
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